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Game Of Thrones: The Complete Season 2

₦ 7,499

Product SKU: HSC29

Game of Thrones: The Complete Season 2
2011 ‧ Drama ‧ 8 seasons

Nine noble families wage war against each other in order to gain control over the mythical land of Westeros. Meanwhile, a force is rising after millenniums and threatens the existence of living men.

Adapted from: A Song of Ice and Fire, A Game of Thrones
Created by: David Benioff; D. B. Weiss
Genre: Action; Adventure; Fantasy; Serial drama; Tragedy;
Producers: Mark Huffam; Joanna Burn; Chris Newman; Greg Spence; Lisa McAtackney; Duncan Muggoch
Production companies: HBO Entertainment; Television 360; Grok! Television; Generator Entertainment; Startling Television; Bighead Littlehead
Production locations: United Kingdom; Croatia; Iceland; Spain; Malta; Morocco; Canada

Units in box: 5 DVD


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